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Increase on fixed till 20 has not at all been 10 or 15.

It’s 6-7% on fixed. For 21, yet to receive, but we are eligible for an increase unlike most other firms it who are unclear I guess.
I heard that for some teams increments in Sam was even 15 percent. Is that true? What was the range of increment in Sam for fy 20-21
Thats total rubbish and the increments were for the last FY. Increment for this FY will be announced this quarter is what management has committed to.
AZB has not bothered to give any updates since last financial year keeping associates in dilemma, and many associates have left already for better paymaster.
At Sam co increments have been around 6 percent for most Associates on their fixed. All that 10 perc thing was a SCAM at best@&@.

Increments for 21 to begin though, here’s hoping it is at par with the other firms!
The hike given by KCO was for FY 2020-2021. The hike for FY 2021-2022 will be given at the end of the first quarter of FY 2021-2022. Obviously, Kco will be giving arrears for the months commencing from April-June 21. Hoping for the best.
Folks, I hear that Khaitan has issued increments effective Jan 2021, L&L July 2021 and JSA from April 2021. What are the % numbers like? Have firms tried to blame covid to cut increments?