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No man. There are people from Jindal who could really have written this. I swear.
not from jgls but still you see so dumb right now, can you not that this is sarcasm or has it died? or are you just not getting your regular stuff to inhale? it is clearly a rhetoric to the comment above.
Insecure JGLS grads as always tom-tomming their non-existing achievements. All I care about is peer quality and reputation, and JGLS falters in both the parameters, especially the former one.
A 36-word comment posted 3 years ago was not published.
I have no problem with JGLS but my college costs less than JGLS’s hostel fee and my parents still have their house. I’ll get the same if not a better job than most JGLS grads if I work hard enough. Happy to be in that position.
Even after paying four times what you’d pay for a non law government university if you don’t wish to get basic infrastructure, a fair admin and services like manupatra then you can go for an NLU.

JGLS would at least give you the luxury you are paying for.
There has been no abhorrence. Only dubious claims without any back up stats are being called out. Don't make random claims and talk about your actual strengths and not paper over obvious weaknesses, and I doubt anyone would have any problem with it other than obvious trolls.
Yes, if you want to spend 5 years in the lap of luxury, then Jiggles is indeed the place to go.
What's this obsession with placement stats? NLS isn't releasing its placement stats for some time now too but obviously, you won't flex your muscles over there, despite it being a governmental institution where transparency should be much higher than in a private institution.
If you have money to spare, you should waste it without getting extra ROI? What logic is that? Your claim would only hold true if JGLS student performance is better in most sectors than NLU students. Which it has never been till date.
After GNLU, choose JGLS. Don't listen to these CLAT coaches who just need to boost their NLU selection rates.
Only if you have parent's cash to burn and without any discernible advantage to show for it.
Everyone thinks that you have got way too much spare time in your hands. You should try to do something constructive with it. Maybe help in a DueD.