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A 30-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.
That must the new story - vertices cannot be tier 1 by any stretch of imagination.

The music and dance practice sessions remind me on one other actual tier 1 firm
Look vertices partners is very much a tier 1 not by its size but deal count. Firm does 30 deals in bracket of 2 cr to 30 cr. Thats a lot for any firm. I am a vertices alumni and I have learnt a lot from Archana, founder partner, the way of negotiating and getting the deal through. Please read from this link , there are lot of good points-
Why doesn’t β€œSahi Hai” just post his firm brochure and capability statement? Clearly the husband wife founders are jobless enough to post here and on various other threads (including some delusion comment on the trilegal bonuses). Pretty sneaky.
Who doesn't know vertices partners? I am sorry just google it and see the number of awards firm has won and number of prestigious awards endowed on the founders. Infact it is the fastest growing law firm right now. Founders are amazing mentors, trendsetters and after working here one grows at 2x speed.
What is vertices?

About JM+P to the author, ignoring the troll above, it's a good place I belong. Have worked against them on 2 transactions. Only thing is that I don't see juniors sticking around there a lot. Don't know if its the work atmosphere. Their pay also is good. Verist had started very well. I haven't worked against them but worked at a firm where one of the partners was a former partner. Speaking with her associates i heard that [...] expected you to be available at all times. Verist also had started paying a package comparable to top firms i.e. around 1 lakh per month to freshers. Do not know about bonus and current pay scale. Don't see them on many transactions too and no idea of being absorbed post paralegal/internship. Better chance at JM+P I would assume.

Never heard of Isaac & Jacob or Vertices. Just googled vertices. Seems to be a small firm doing few vc transactions. It would be better to try a firm where you get better matters like Indus, Samvad, JM+P, Veritas, Stratage, Algo, etc. Also bigger the transaction may lead to a higher billing. A no one will even pay a firm well for 2-10 crores of investment. Also try full service firms and not boutique vc firms. If you start your career at such firms it would be difficult to shift to better firms in the future, as you have only worked on small vc deals. So later you will put yourself in a situation where you cannot remain at vertices and neither can you get a better opportunity. Think wisely. I'd suggest you try at Samvad, Indus or Algo if given an opportunity, or even JM+P if you believe your odds are good. You can always speak with the HRs about possibilities.
Vertices partners is the best. Appy there and you may be lucky to work there
Hey guys,
Could you please tell me if Jerome Merchant and Partners is a good place to work as a paralegal, especially someone who wants to work in M&A/PE/Gen Corp?
How far do they engage their interns?

Also, how is Verist law and firms like Isaac and Jacob?