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A 30-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.
That must the new story - vertices cannot be tier 1 by any stretch of imagination.

The music and dance practice sessions remind me on one other actual tier 1 firm
Why doesn’t β€œSahi Hai” just post his firm brochure and capability statement? Clearly the husband wife founders are jobless enough to post here and on various other threads (including some delusion comment on the trilegal bonuses). Pretty sneaky.
Vertices partners is the best. Appy there and you may be lucky to work there
Hey guys,
Could you please tell me if Jerome Merchant and Partners is a good place to work as a paralegal, especially someone who wants to work in M&A/PE/Gen Corp?
How far do they engage their interns?

Also, how is Verist law and firms like Isaac and Jacob?