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CAM was first to declare bonus?CAM was first to announce pay cuts,not bonus.
Thank you for saying it and like it should be is seriously nauseating.
Err...It's the end of the financial year. They have to pay it out now or pay tax on it.

Also Bonus is part of lawyer's compensation. CAM is just honouring its contractual obligation and ensuring that they don't have pay tax on the sums that will be given as bonus. Stop making it sound like charity. It is nauseating. Only people without logic and with feudal mentality will remain at CAM. They are killing what used to be a good firm. It's pretty tragic really.
It's opening para is the standard copy from most releases -legacy, 100 years,ValueS..
CAM comes out first declaring bonus?! I will smoke what you smoking buddy!
What PR propaganda/ press release is this now? Copied from some internal whatsapp chat with promoters.
More like those who have threatened to go to Trilegal have seen this supposed 1.25x! Rest - lower than usual bonus and some small change
Some of us like a dash of corporal punishment, even if it’s in the nature of an induced door hitting the behind, if you know what I mean..wink wink:.
Here we crossed our target and still did not get a full bonus so that the slackers can get a bonus to keep them from whining. Guess that's a waste!!
Yep, but only for "high performers", so the top two three grades in the rating scale got it. It was 1.5L ish for lower level associates, 1.75L for A3s, 2 for SAs, and so on...
Wasn’t this clear from the increment letter six months ago? Why are you realising it now
Whatever said and done, as far as commitments go, CAM clearly demonstrates that it’s a firm driven by values. I know I’ll get letters for this comment.

Where many firms are trying to buy time or avoid any anxiety about Bonus amongst its associates, CAM comes out first declaring the bonus.
It has arrived! along with a special COVID bonus of 1.25* monthly pay
The bonus is here, if we can even call it that! Half of the amount from previous CTC and half from this CTC! Wow. Whatte scam!
Good luck. Don't let the door hit you on your behind as you walk out?