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Don't count on it dude. The Shardul family is back from their long holiday, so you and i should be getting an email sometime soon on when we gotta come back. I have a feeling they are going to peg the variable fee payment on reporting to office, (if they make the decision to reopen, that is)

Also, nothing mature about not telling the associates on what is currently being considered and what side of the table the discussion amongst senior management is leaning (The shardul family and chudasama). Associates have to make tough decisions about moving back to cities, taking up expensive lease agreements and so on so forth. Especially how our salary hike is barely beating inflation. If within 7 days of asking associates to not come to office (right around when lockdown was initiated nationwide) you can send out an email saying no change in fixed fee for the next year, while at the same time declare 2X bonus for a few teams........, then you should have the common courtesy to tell your fee earners about the WFH situation on a long term basis.
Nobody. Only stupid law firms will open at this time when Covid is again peaking.
Just as cases in Mumbai see a spike, the firm sends this email. Quite insensitive "What is however important is that all of you are available in the city from where you originally worked or where your team works. This is necessary to ensure that you are available where you are needed by your team. For those who are working from other cities, please ensure you move back to the concerned city by the end of this month."
Not anytime soon, the recent increase is worrisome given that most associates travel through public transport
Heard from my partner that they are looking to get people to office from mid April.
Azb opening next month. Why lie? She’d open today if SHE could
NDA is probably having the complete 2021 virtual. Don't see them opening offices anytime soon atleast not till the second half of this year.
CAM has actually been very accommodative with their working policy, so it's just JSA dragging associates to work. But then again they've always been 10 years behind the industry in every way possible, so hardly a surprise.
Yeah, it's just that they are forcing associates to work 14-hour days because the latter can surely do at least that from the comforts of home!
Only CAM and JSA are open or going to open for corporate side.

SAM, AZB, Luthra, Trilegal are likely to continue WFH. As they have not intimated anything yet.
Yet to figure out one genuine reason for corporate side of law firms to reopen offices at this time. Credit where it's due, to SAM. They haven't said anything about opening office and seem to be handling this is a very mature manner.
Some of us have been forced into physical office since June 2020 with attendance now steeply ramping up and people being threatened with appraisal issues
This is why we need foreign law firms. Europeans and Americans treat their employees as humans, unlike the baniyas in India.
My boss is just tired of staying at their house with kid and spouse and they want us to get back to be a distraction. They're blaming it on "lack of efficiency" which is complete BS, we've closed deals online through the past 11 months what's suddenly inefficient about lockdown now?
When is your office planning to end WFH and call everyone to office premises physically? Some places already have a hybrid system of shifts in place but have heard that they are calling all resources back to office in the coming weeks too.

We have been asked to report from April 1st which seems like a joke at this point considering how there has been no change in status quo to justify the same.