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Man there are some youtube videos I had seen on this. But they don't seem very encouraging if you want to pursue law as a career there. That said, i just saw a sliver of what is actually on the ground.

Also, career or no career, the risk, the earning opportunities and cost of living, and the things you give up to live and work in Canada do not make sense to me.

It's a cold lonely place. Discount USA with free Healthcare. Townships and cities look so dry and boring.

Also, pretty high chances you will work retail or call center jobs there in the beginning at least, or forever (depending on your luck and qualifications).

I think Canada just opened immigration so that it can get a lot of cheap service type labour like retail, janitors..but with an English education.
Not true. I moved to Toronto 2 months back and am now working in the legal department of a big organization here in their contracts team. I'm yet to write my NCAs. You just have to know where to apply and how to write your resume to get ATS to notice it. FYI, this is my first job here, no retail or service sector.
Canadian Legal market is horrible. Too many qualified people too few jobs. Try being in the US. You have a decent shot at getting a job in the US.
Yes.Because foreign firms are blocked off so better to get away from Lala legal industry here.
Saw an Indian long haul trucker's vlogs made in canada.

Being a 12th pass out, clearing IELTs and then driving trucks for anywhere between 2L-4L (in exchange) per month seems to be a better ROI.

The unskilled, or low-skilled workers have better ROI in developed countries like canada where everyone is highly qualified.