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A 10-word comment posted 2 months ago was not published.
I set aside one solid hour every night before sleep for reading exclusively and consider that as part of my sleeping regime, which means that deliverables won't compromise it. I also carry a Kindle with me, which means that I get to read even when I am stuck in traffic or waiting for a meeting to start. I can also speed read, which helps.
omg same, i only had 1 on my Goodreads [i literally read it in the last week of dec]. i am so embarrassed. during covid I had an average of 30. have planned to reach at least 10 this year.
Bro I m not able to complete my academic books only😭...forget about extra books.
My Goodreads stats show that I read only 10 books last year and I am very very ashamed of that number.

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