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Speaking from my own experience (as a law student from T2/T3 law school as well as a CS aspirant), law school in itself is a holistic experience which develops the student holistically in terms of knowledge, networking skills, research, drafting, internships, etc. So once an individual graduates as a lawyer, he/she knows how the things go around in terms of law, in general (this opinion is based on the premise that one attends a full-time law school and not by correspondence).

On the other hand, CS provides you with core in-depth knowledge about how the general corporate and commercial law works without emphasizing much upon the holistic development of the CS student.One key area where a law student will definitely have an edge is research because in the whole syllabus of CS (2017 or 2022) there are no components for research, whereas a law student from day one is taught to work on research and finding better precedence.