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I don't know if anyone is going to find this useful. But if you're going to do RTI Activism. Please take some basic safety measures:

1. Always do your activism outside your home state. If you want to do it in your state, find an activist friend from another state to file the requisite applications. This will prevent you from being identified directly.

2. This is important. Go to your post office and open a PO Box. It is usually a nominal rental of like 250 a month or something. You can use this address as an address for correspondence for your RTI Applications. You may consider opening more than one and switching addresses while filing applications.

3. Lastly, if you're doing activism, never agree to come and collect the reply in person. You can always demand they send it by post. It will take a few days but you will get it by post.

4. Use a new email address for correspondence and e-RTI applications. Open this up preferably in a foreign based location using a VPN.

Some safety tips.