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Even as someone who detests cancel culture, 'jokes' cracked by middle aged people in positions of power are rarely funny and are best avoided.
Most of these offensive jokes in India are almost always targetting dark skinned people. I am happy if cancel culture have stopped them. Indians sure lack empathy.
If you can't crack a joke without being a nuisance, then maybe, just maybe, you aren't really as funny as you deem yourself to be? Ever think of that?
I absolutely hate my PT teachers from school. I really hope a good sensitisation training is mandated for all of them losers.
No one cares.
Why am I seeing so many posts about cancel culture? Have you been cancelled?

Do you feel your right to say casteist, sexist, anti muslim and overall shitty things being taken away from you?

Maybe you should be asking other questions to yourself.
It seems PT teachers in all schools are similar douchebags. I wonder why?
Case in point! I remember innumerable instances where students were targeted and victimized. The problem was that this culture was normalized and the same behavior would be reiterated by the students in interactions amongst themselves. Thus carrying on the toxic traits to future generations. Fortunately, now we have reached a stage where if we witness anything even remotely resembling such foolishness, the perp will be in trouble. Wokeness, despite the cons, is the need of the hour. More importantly, at a time when traditional supremist ideologues are in power.
My PT teacher back in school used to make fun of dark skinned people, short people, people with a limp etc... Basically making fun of people who have attributes which they can't change and who have it because they were born with it, for no fault of theirs. And these were "jokes" for which the whole class used to burst out laughing.
As a dark skinned person I would shrivel up with embarassment. You have no idea about the number of nights I've cried myself to sleep because of my looks and the toxic environment in school. If these are the kind of "jokes" that are being avoided for fear of being cancelled, I see nobody being harmed.
Just to let you know that students are not just divided into trads and wokes. Let's stop worshipping every shit that the West has (Reps and Dems) and get rid of this binary.
For fear of offending both woke and trad students? I can think of few examples but wanted to know what people from other law schools think.