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Lol having an option and actually being able to go full WFH are two different things. Please don't defend such behaviour.
Please, god, no more townhalls. What good has come of the last two? These two just want the platform to chitchat for an hour and claim everything is hunky dory everywhere and that we've made a lot of money this year too okay byebye. It's a waste of time.
That's ridiculous. People left on their own and wanted something else out of their lives.
I am personally appalled with the level of unwarranted and fallacious gossip being blurted out on this thread. Having been working under RM and on behalf of her team, I wish to set the record straight. While the utter level of imprecise thoughts discussed here do not warrant any sort of replies, I want to highlight that she has never forced the team to come to office. She very much understands the inconvenience and complications that travelling to office may cause to her team and others in office.
Whoever these people are who are trying to unnecessarily drag the EPs should at least have the audacity to reveal their identities. If we are really talking about professionalism here, this should not fade away while casting uncalled for aspersions.
Let us be gracious enough to respect what they do for us in terms of getting clients, managing the entire team and trying to keep everyone content with the team culture. Over and out!
Oppsssss, so much vomit here for some individuals... all wrong, baseless, and malicious......
I am shocked and pained..... I worked with RM and am happy to disclose my identity if the other commenters are willing to discuss the facts. RM is a good human being with great team skills and she holds her team like a family. Someone told me that even today her team has an option to WFH......
Let's stop these baseless comments to malign a strong woman, and a wonderful firm......
Bombay partners have mostly allowed teams to WFH. No one I know is going to office regularly.
I did hear that controversy, that couple of [...] team members were asked to leave because they were caught bitching about the team. Are these guys them? And is it true that they were asked to leave because of the bitching, because that sounds untrue - everyone bitches about his/ her team and boss.
Isnt that more ridiculous? JMP making sure his team is good, then throwing the 'to each his own' diktat for everyone else. Thats an EP trait, not a JMP trait. Drop the 'JM' title, if you cant do jackfruit. Hold a tucking townhall at least. I promise I will give live feedback, should you ask for it.
You're right. Both JMP teams have largely been WFH but can't enforce that for the other teams and offices. Defeats the purpose of being a MP of a law firm if you can't even decide whether the office should be open or shut in the interest of health and safety.
Loyal sure, but they all know what is happening in every team. [......] and [......] are connected throughout the office and tell her everything.
can't understand the reason to drag Shippi into this. Her team is so removed from the rest of the office in terms of gossip and all of them are very loyal to her. None of them care about office politics.
GGN office is open since June 2020.. JMPs must be counting their days before re-election takes place in March 2022. All they care about is money now.. what Jyoti built with so much passion and values, has been ruined by targets, recovery, client snatching, politics, etc.
Just FYI - I’m a member of one of JMP’s teams, and we’ve been working from home since March 2020. Not a single day of coming to office since.
Gurgaon office is worst. Partners such as [...] literally force their teams to work from office. I have heard their team members being vocal about it among themselves. Wish 'Joint' elections due, God knows where JSA is headed.
JSA JMPs seem to have wrongly interpreted the term 'joint'. Only that can explain their emails to the firm every now and then that make less sense with each subsequent sentence. Their official response to the Omicron variant, and I quote, is "we remain committed to doing everything possible to help". But offices will continue to stay open. So everything possible to help except for shutting offices or providing medical insurance it seems.
While SAM offers rejuvenation leave, Trilegal gives pandemic bonuses and CAM raises pay brackets, JSA sends out emails saying WFH may be considered at EP's discretion for women with children below the age of 10. Offices continue to be open, despite the offices actually having lost members to Covid in the second wave. JSA JMPs are the definition of out-of-touch overlords. Everyone is waiting eagerly to see them leave the position ASAP.
Come Delta come Omicron, JSA office won't close. The Gurgaon office has been operational throughout the pandemic. Some teams coming to work as of July 2020. Unlike Khaitan that gives a medical insurance, JSA does not offer any medical benefits and cannot stop putting people's lives at risk.