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Explain to me why bathrooms need to be gendered at all? Have you ever been on a plane? Do they have gendered bathrooms? What about in our homes and communities? Do you think every workplace you’ll work in will have sex segregated bathrooms? Did you know that sex segregated toilets are actually a fairly new historical phenomenon that traces its roots not just to moralistic movements aimed at keeping women out of the workplace but also at racist movements that tried to segregate white and black? How many people are assaulted/ harassed because of trans people going into the “wrong” bathroom anyway? And how many trans people are harassed because are made to feel unsafe if they go into the “wrong” bathroom?
Replace urinals with stalls and make all bathrooms gender neutral. As a cis woman I can assure you that after 35 years of living in metro cities I have never in a public restroom seen anything that men could misconstrue as being sexual.
Surely predators aren’t deterred from preying on young women because they are in a bathroom? And surely you know that trans people are much more likely to be victims of abuse than perpetrators. Do I need to carry a photo of my genetalia to identify myself every time I need to pee? Or is there an inspector that will check? Or a birth certificate? It’s all so freaking arbitrary. All that matters is that there are adequate facilities for people who need them.

Most universities across the world don’t have sex segregated hostels. What are we nuns and priests? We won’t be able to resist ourselves if we live in the same building? Are male students that unreliable that they can’t live in the same building without raping and assaulting women? In 2021?

This isn’t being woke at all. This is just common sense. Sex segregation creates a lot more problems than it solves. I honestly think toxic boys hostel culture would see some moderation if there wasn’t this isolated consequence free playground for depravity in every law school. And I think it’s about time we treat young adults as young adults not as ticking sex bombs about to explode at any moment. Don’t make women trade away their freedom for protection. And don’t displace blame / responsibility from perpetrators of abuse to victims of it.

That hypo you propose is literally so rare it’s not even worth engaging with. The fact that trans students I know got beat up in sex segregated hostels is not rare. It’s an epidemic within the community.