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I really like black coffee from a v60 or an Aeropress. While clearly a grinder would be pushing the limits of acceptable, does anyone at least take their own coffee equipment to work? Also what equipment do you take?

Is this frowned upon or have you been put in the awkward position of being asked to make coffee by fellow associates or seniors?

I am especially interested in knowing if this is prevalent, or unheard of, in the AZB Noida office.
Is the fancy coffee ACTUALLY better?

Or is it just that we all THINK that fancy coffee is better?

And therefore we enjoy it more as the idea is to be better than everyone. Have the best coffee, best car, best vacation. Or rather BETTER coffee, BETTER vacation, BETTER car

Because the world says so. Because it is more expensive. Because we think we are having something better. Because the people around us think we are having something better.

That gives us a high. And makes us enjoy our coffee more - as it makes us feel special.

Not because it is actually better.

It may have come out of a cat's 💩💩💩. As with one of the most expensive coffee.