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"It is in this vein that H.M. Seervai ends the third volume of his celebrated treatise on the constitutional law of India. Indian law scholars would be more than justified if they altogether ignored all that Seervai has to say. For, Seervai writes and thinks as if there is no worthwhile writing by Indian scholars on the subject of constitutional and administrative law. He also totally ignores reasoned scholarly criticism of his positions and thereby shows that he considers it beneath his dignity to join issues with academic lawyers. Seervai compounds this affront to Indian scholarship by his unmitigated Anglophilism. He has no hesitation in citing the less eminent and more obscure British and American scholars. It is only in India that a person so insular in his approach to indigenous juristic learning and thought can be called a "jurist" and his work hailed as "classic""

Wow Baxi really hates the man being called an academic