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Picking up or cultivating a hobby or sport isn't the tough part - it's consistency. For example, with a 14 hour workday, one hour of working out isn't unachievable. 16 hour workday - tough, but if you put yourself strongly at it, can do. 18 hour workday - no chance. You'll be too famished and exhausted to work out. Have two weeks where you pull 18 hour workdays (weekends included), and your gym routine is out of the window. Same goes for anything you're trying to learn externally (languages, non-work related skills, gourmet cooking, MMA, art, music) that has a pre set weekly schedule or something that needs a daily routine.

Travelling is easier because you don't need to carve time out on a frequent basis - take 3 weeks off, do a few countries in Western Europe or some funky destinations (Maghreb, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South America). Can easily do this once a year.

Perhaps pick up a mental stimulation habit (like reading non-work stuff on the weekend, learning a new language by yourself) and physical stimulation (football, cricket, golf or running on the weekends) and don't belt yourself if you miss sessions because of work. Slowly, once these become part of your life, you'll be able to adjust work around them (stick around on a Friday night and finish work to save that Saturday coffee and reading session versus go out for drinks on a Friday night and then work through Saturday and miss the session).