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national university of juridical sciences

27 April 2010

Crib means ‘to bicker’, says my dictionary.

NLS cribs about its hectic schedule: the trimester system which doesn’t allow them to lead a sane college life. NUJS cribs how claustrophobic the 4-5 acre campus can get. NALSAR cribs how the college is in a village, far from the city and gets mundane at times.

This cribbing has been going on for ages when LST’s forum used to be a battle-field. Many a time law aspirants are misled by such debates. I pity them and detest the anonymous posters of false, advertorial comments.

The two biggest cribs are: ‘my NLU stronger than thou’ and ‘Non-NLU students are given a biased treatment’. I humbly ask, why? I suggest you hit your heads against a bric(k). It even sounds anti-semantical to crib. Or maybe heed to this advice, as you should to Bahz Luhrman’s ‘Wear Sunscreen’.

Advice no. 1: There are no right decisions. You have to make your decisions right.

Advice no. 2: Don’t say ‘NO’ to ‘what is’.

In NLS ‘there is’ the trimester system. The academic rigour is what makes NLS, the law school. At NUJS ‘there is’ a small campus. But then the entire posh and happening Salt Lake is your home. And ‘NALSAR is’ far from the city. But with 400 college kids at one beautiful place how can it ever get boring?

Now let me take care of the two biggest cribs through a poem and multiple post scripts. See what God has to say on ‘who is the strongest’. (BTW the bolden part in the poem is by God; the holy man whose advice you can’t ignore).


Who is the strongest of all the beings?

One day I just tried to see

As to who is the strongest

Of all the beings?


I called the Elephant and thus spake he

“Oh! Not me! The Lion! The Lion!

He is my King!”


Off he went and the Lion came

With his foot long claws

And a big, bushy mane.


“Of course not me! Though I’m the King

The Elephant I fear.

His trunk, his tusks! Oh my dear”


Bewildered and confused I sat in my room,

“Ummm...Perhaps the snake

Big and Cruel”!?


The big black snake, his voice he lent

“Oh! The Mongoose thanks he is in Kent

Or he in the bushes, means my death”.


Over my life I pondered and pondered

Reached God and there I thundered

“Oh! God tell me! Who is the strongest of all the beings”?


In a voice so unearthly.

In an ambience so heavenly.

The lord began to answer:


(Now, the part below

Do slowly you read.

Here is where God

His message he reveals).


Where are you son?

"Heaven", I answered.

What’s the time son?

"Seven", I answered.


The sun had gone down,

The clouds were yellow.

The Lord had gotten up,

And I turned mellow.


See this map here...

Where does it lead?

Where? I asked, Your lordship

Where you walk towards, he answered.


(Read the above para. I am trying to sound profound J).


PS 1- Where you walk towards. Yeah! It doesn’t matter in which law school you are, but what you end up being once you have completed your college that does. I know students in ‘weak’ law schools emerge strong coz they walk on the right paths and vice versa.

2- Here is another useful analogy- There is a 25 floored building. The terrace signifies the highest point a lawyer can reach. All of us begin from the floor. Students of the top NLUs start on a lift. Others have to take the stairs.

If you take the stairs leisurely you will be left behind. If you are aggressive about the ascend you will be as quick as the NLU guys. And well, law schools can only take you up to a certain floor; say the 5th floor. After that, it depends on how good you are at your work.

3- My animals are humble. Law students, especially when anonymous are arrogant. Otherwise there is a nice healthy rivalry among these colleges.