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Before everything have "Your Honour" replace "Your Lordship". Even female judges get addressed as My Lord!
no hormone has been scientifically proven to make someone gay or lesbian, its a choice, a mental affect. what in the 1920s are you bro, this thread isn't about being homophobic or transphobic but women's rights
he didnt say specific hormones made you gay or lesbian. He said hormones and hormonal development is what results in sexual attraction- that is true.
I'm fine with using person instead of man or woman, but why do we need to add "with a vagina"? If we don't say "person with a penis", then why should we say "person with a vagina"?
"Spouse" and "sibling" are already fairly commonly used Gender neutral words. It's not sucha big deal really.
Shocked at the bigoted comments here. JK Rowling will be proud.
No problem with non-binary people, just don't want them sharing the same toilet with me while I am inside. Same goes for the males.
it is the opposite of liberalism to claim that people must all think alike or be called bigots. Liberalism at its core is about freedom of speech and thought- even to think and speak dangerous heretical ideas such as males are not women.
What’s wrong with the comments section and moderation policy on LI? Such blatantly queerphobic remarks are being allowed and people are upvoting them, instead of downvoting them. Like comments praising JK Rowling!!!??? Seriously!!!??? People have gone crazy today!!!
They are calling you misogynist, you are calling them queerphobic, most of us believe that you two have got way less work and way more free time in your hand than you should.
what is queer? what has JKR said that offended you? please be specific.
why arent trans women called, people with penises? it offends them? then how does people with vaginas not offend women? wtf is this Neo patriarchy
Equating trans women to "people with penises" is reductive and dehumanizing. Genitalia does not define gender identity. Using respectful language affirming one's lived identity is basic human dignity, not neo patriarchy.
but of course menstruators, ovary owners, people with cervixes , abortion seekers, pregnant people- all of that shouldnt affect women? we should be cool with it cause the feelings of transwomen are more important?
And here I thought Legally India was supposed to be the hotbed of Marxism
when women who think women are real are not woke- you know that being woke aint all that.
haan yeh karlo pehle, get your media attention, other problems can wait
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