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I am currently doing my PhD from one of the NLUs. I have the best supervisor I can think of, the colleagues are cool and there's a lot to learn from people here.

However, the uni doesn't have funding for PhD candidates and I don't have JRF now. This has caused me to take up 3 jobs. I work on Saturdays and a few Sundays. Monday classes start at 7 30 am so I have to start at 6 from home. There are often times when my work starts at 7 30 and ends at 7.

Honestly, I never considered working in law firm or litigation because of the shitty working hours. And now, here I am.

I'm seriously considering preparing for CAT. I have worked at a Research Centre for 3 years and at my current job for about an year. The second year of my PhD is about to get over. After all this, I feel like a failed academic due to just 1 publication. Money is another factor. Family had almost 0 savings and world really on me after my father's retirement. I doubt I can sustain my family even on a UGC scale.

Considering all this, is this a good or a bad idea?
Clear NET and get a full time teaching position. Continue your PhD on the side. If you wish to remain in academia that is.
just hang in there for one more year, submit your thesis by the end of the third year, then butter up the VC and get a research associate position (will pay between 35-50k pm depending on location), get a few publications done, then bide time for a year or so when the recruitment for permanent faculty happens apply.

publication is required, get your supervisor to co-author with you, scopus only
I'm from NLSIU, so I thought I'd recommend: NLSIU often requires researchers in various centers. If possible, consider applying there.