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Gave an intern some due diligence work documents on confidential matters, only to find that it has been uploaded on Scribd. I am an A0, shall I report her actions to my partner, or give her a verbal warning? She is from a private university of low repute.
Report, it will be your ass on the line if something goes wrong. Even if you give her a verbal warning, give your partner an update on the same.
NLU kids would ever do something this dumb. The silly girl is from UPES.
I seriously believe, Law should only be taught in the top 30 universities, one in each state & UT like Chandigarh and Delhi. They should be named NLUs, each affiliated to UGC and under supervision of state HCs, given national importance & with VC being a former NLU alumni (LLB, LLM, PhD included). All private law universities should be shut down.
I've seen encountered many fools from NLU's. NLU monkeys should shed this superiority complex.
Show me anyone from a tier-one NLU who uploaded DD documents on Scribd.
Do you mind sharing her name? At least the initials and batch? Also name your firm please

This looks like a made a up post by 3rd year law student who has such intrusive thoughts to do this lol. Don't take it seriously
She must be punished badly for such reckless actions. I would've reported her to legal authorities for leaking confidential information.
I understand that you're in a particularly difficult situation and I genuinely hope that there is a fix to this problem, where the intern learns from her mistake. However, I'd only request you to look at the issue either as a legitimate mistake on behalf of the intern or as something lacking specifically in this person instead of building up prejudices against the "private university of low repute".

I say this as someone who's graduated from a university that many would
^Nothing but facts. Sounds like someone from GLC since most of their assignments are uploaded on Scribd.