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Hey, what's the state of NUJS hostels? I've heard that they assign flats and dorms to first year students, so what's that like? How are girls accommodated? And what's the overall infrastructure status of the hostels there?
When I was allotted nujs last year we were assigned a dorm with bunk beds, 13-14 people in a dorm, very less storage, crumbling dirty hostels. It’s only like this in the first year apparently and from second year you get triple/double sharing rooms. I ended up leaving so idk
Why are you people calling them β€œhostels”? Please call them β€œprison dorms”.
You may leave anytime you want and stay in a PG outside. Much better experience IMHO, near the campus too.
In the old days there were only single occupancy and double occupancy rooms. This was during the Left front government. Now the rooms are unfit for human habitation, as the TMC government gives the place zero funding and no money has been spent on hostel upgradation. I know many people who have rightly rejected NUJS for NLUJ and GNLU, after seeing the state of the hostels.

If you must go to NUJS, my advice is to rent a PG with a good family. Saltlake is a residential neighbourhood with some nice homes and apartments. The owners are often retired IAS officers, judges, corporate executives etc, whose houses have spare rooms as their children have moved out of the state for lack of economic opportunities.

It’s high time the admin and SJA start a system where students can stay with such families.
Very sane advice and agree 100%. I know people have rejected WBNUJS just for hostels/dorms, especially girls.
I did this and took a drop year haha

Wrote clat and ailet again and am getting nalsar and nlud this time.

OP, before college starts I suggest you visit campus and see if you’d be comfortable there, if you can live off campus etc. If not, consider doing what I did or atleast apply to NLUJ when they announce vacancies.