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Some years back I thought i heard my friend say that their office only allowed vegetarian food in office.

Are there such offices?
How ironical it will be, since all firms are jungle where animals try to kill and eat each other.
Correct, LKS Delhi. Mr Lakshmikaran is a devout Iyengar and very religious. But even in other firms you may attract odd stares among vegetarian colleagues if you bring beef, or any smelly meat or fish curry item. Best to stick with just non-veg sandwiches or burgers or pizzas, as these don’t trigger vegetarians as much.
Can never appease vegetarian supremacists, their end-goal is to impose their dietary lifestyle on everyone. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.
Mumbai. Founder are Jains. No meat served in office parties and cafeteria.
I can understand serving the lowest common denominator food to reduce costs and wastage in cafeteria and parties.

But is there any issue with people eating meat brought by themselves?
Singhania and Co Mumbai. You are openly mocked and insulted if you bring non vegetarian food in the office premises.
Rajani associates. Total Gujju firm. They clearly write in their offer letter that no non veg food allowed.
Why is this post marked Trollish? I don't see why a question like this and replies which don't seem Trollish need to be marked Trollish.

It is a fact of life in India and in many offices where the bosses / owners are strict vegetarians and impose it on their employees.

Just yesterday I saw a video on YouTube where a man was told in Mumbai not to bring his omnivore food as the owner was a vegetarian.
I have noticed protein and b12 deficient people are often also lacking in logic and empathy.
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