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Does anyone know which NLU leads in tier 1 international partnerships for people graduating after 2002? I’m keeping 2002 as the benchmark as NLSIU had a monopoly before that.
This is not contested. Earlier also Aparajita from NLS and Abhishek from NUJS have made to salaried partner positions at Kirkland. Aparajita in fact made it to such partnership merely 9 years after graduating. K&E gives the partner tag to associates who have worked there for 7 years at a stretch (or equivalent lateral hires) which is why their salaried partners are larger in number compared to say Links. I'm not belittling this achievement though, doubtless he's a very accomplished individual to have reached this position.
First year salaried partners absolutely do not make 2.5-3 mil per year - their base salaries are between 300-350k depending on the team, and they get more origination credit than associates do.
Lol. 1st year non-share partner at K&E makes USD 500-650k... As pointed out, K&E gives you a partner designation at 6.5-7 PQE, with the expectation that you get 4 years to build your book and impress the equity partners. Once you hit 11 PQE, you're either given equity if the senior partners/clients like you enough OR you're asked to move out. Pretty brutal and not for the faint hearted.

Congratulations to Sandipan and Kartik though! They're both excellent lawyers and its a great achievement by any stretch of imagination. Hope they do really well!!
definitely, also the speed at which the comment was labelled contested was too fast.
The world's number one law firm (after an extensive internal round) promotes someone to partnership. You should be proud irrespective of which law school he or she went to. But of course commentators on LI want to bring down one of our own. This guy made it in 8 years. Look at his reported deals and reputation. Not everyone makes salaried partner even at K&E because not everyone reaches the 7 year mark. That's where they do the clean up. How many of you have managed to reach there? Also really doubt if they care..

- Batchmate of the person in question.
nobody is denying his achievement. this is a really really huge feat for an indian grad at top us biglaw also in debt finance, amongst Harvard and Yale people. goes to show nepotism is only a indian law firm thing and merit is definitely given prominence abroad.
Congrats, I guess, but how exactly does this address the problems NALSAR faces these days?
No. The alumni faculty leaving. Has SKD actually recruited anyone of note? The drying up of significant achievements in co-curriculars and scholarships despite an increase in batch size numbers. This year’s placements were also not as good, not even as good as NUJS. I don’t want to turn this into d*ck-measuring contest, but these are graver institutional problems than individual achievements.
This is a great achievement. Also want to bring to this group’s attention, this 2023 round of 205 partner promotions included Malika Abidi (NLS 2012) and Kartik Khanna (NUJS 2013). So maybe cool down the inter-law school comparative chest thumping and celebrate the individuals who are working hard and getting recognized for it.
K&E elevates "NSPs" (i.e., non-share partners) at end of 6th year -- this is a well-known fact in the US/UK -- other firms cannot even consider making partner this early. The newly elevated partners are essentially sr. associates and are paid as such as well -- they do NOT get equity credit and they made 200 partners this year -- so, you understand what this is...

That said, K&E is a tough firm to work at and has an intense focus on billables -- so good achievement to even survive there this long. that's all.