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Hi, what is the monthly income of any decent practitioner in tier 2/3 cities like Lucknow/Jaipur/Ahmedabad etc.? Say after 5 years of practice? And what are the working hours like on an average? Are they better off in terms of work-life balance compared to their T1 counterparts?
In tier-2 cities is not an organised sectors in law. The practitioner in law after 3 years or more could manage 40-45k (that could be constant for some years) if one has decent networking. Its better to be busy and have a long working hours or else boredome of Tier-2 City is frustating. The quality of work and cases are often not inspiring. Yes, you can afford WLB because that rant is reseved specifically for priviliged Tier-1 Cities folks., bcause I am sure no one has ever heard WLB cry for people in T2 cities;p
Had applied to a law firm in a Tier 2 city, few months back. Working hours 55 a week with 40%-50% of salary amount what I could have made in a Tier 1 City. So, it's mostly uneven. But I guess high cost of living in Tier 1 cities, brings the difference in pay somewhat down.

Btw, a Tier 2 city is significantly better than a Tier 1 city in terms of quality of life and side geek enjoyment. Tier 1 cities are bullshit. It's a curse for this country that most of the development and jobs happen in Tier 1 cities.