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Would copying & pasting the relevant paragraph from SCC/Manu work?

What all should be included?

Dear seniors, please enlighten.
All right listen there are some essential information which should be present in your case note. It should be listed as follows:

1. The court's name

2. Case Title


4. Date of judgment

5. Citation (Atleast provide two)

Now it also depends upon your senior, one of my seniors like to have it in a tabular format with one side mentioning all the relevant paragraphs and just the gist of that para in the another side.

Another Senior just wants me to dump all the relevant paras in a presentable manner while mentioning the above-mentioned details.

And always provide a highlight copy of the judgment and for your own sake save a clean copy of the judgment so whenever your senior wants a clean version you don't have to download it again from manupatra or scc

Hope this helps.
In addition to the case laws, also set out the provision of law applicable first. The Act and relevant sections. Or the guidelines and relevant paras. Then set out the case laws as mentioned above.