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NOTE: This thread is meant for Gen Y obvs. Requesting others to only post here if they have something constructive to say. Tks.


It's just unbelievable that we saw That 70s Show when we were kids and now That 90s Show is going to be streaming. OMG!! We used to laugh at funny things in the 70s, and now literally our era going to be flashed before us!! It's scary to realise that time is flying by so quickly, but this also brings us back to the question of the relevance and impact of the 90s . Was it a better time? Just the right amount of tech, no 9/11, no George W Bush, no Gujarat riots, better music, better movies, no cancel culture, people with fewer hangups?

The NYT has even said that the 90s were the BEST DECADE EVER.

Or was it quite hellish and is the NYT way off the mark?