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Hello, All:

I am a middle aged man who thought of this small experiment on a Thursday afternoon, while thinking of all the emotional exhaustion and bruises we carry because of our trajectory in the legal world.

I invite all of you to use this thread, and list at least 3 good things about yourself. At least 3 things about yourself that you are proud of, that you feel good about, and are innate to you (irrespective of whether someone else knows about them or not).

Just to reiterate: it is at least 3; not up to 3. 10 is good, too :)

Beyond your grades and bonuses and promotions, each of you have capabilities and facets that truly deserve more attention for how amazing they are, but we often ignore them; or even forget they exist. This thread can be one place where you start by writing about them. Hopefully, not the only place you acknowledge the positive in yourselves; and after this you do it on a daily basis.

I will throw the first pennies into the goblet:

1. I write reasonably well (outside of legal documents)
2. I am perceptive
3. I value simplicity
4. I like chatting with cabbies during a ride

Let's spread positivity in this thread, read and acknowledge the "at least 3" positives that others share here.

Best wishes!